June 10, 2020 2 min read

The pressure is high. It seems like everything is a life or death decision. But rest assured, the wedding day will come, and you will look amazing! Here are some great tips to help make those small but difficult style decisions on your big day.

1. Regular cuff or French cuff? If you are the groom we suggest 100% French cuff. It is elegant, and also a way to stand out from your groomsmen.

2. French cuff or tuxedo shirt? First of all you need to know the difference. French cuff shirts usually come with a fly front meaning the buttons are covered on the front of the shirt. This gives off a sleek look when wearing a bowtie. Tuxedo shirts come with studs instead of button which add a nice touch of elegance to the complete outfit. If you have black satin lapels in your tuxedo, the black studs will compliment it very nicely. A note to make, if  you are wearing a tie and not a bowtie, do not go with a tuxedo shirt with studs. Not only will they not be seen if wearing a tie, they will also get in the way behind the tie. So, on to answering the question of whether to wear a French or tuxedo shirt. The answer is actually simple, if you are the groom, either one you can not go wrong. Don't put to much weight on this decision as the French cuff look is super sleek and elegant as is the tuxedo shirt with the black studs as buttons. 

3. Suspenders or not? Believe it or not suspenders are a super cool look when you take off your jacket. Not only are they functional to holding up your tuxedo pants, but they are a timeless and classy look. All of our tuxedos are made with a satin silk waistband to give you a sleek and elegant look, and can not be worn with a belt. And all or our tuxedos come with buttons to attach you suspenders if you wish to wear them. 

4. "Do I have to wear patent leather shoes with my tuxedo", ahhh, the age old question. This answer is simple as well. No. You can wear patent leather or regular leather shoes with your tuxedo. Just stay away from a wide toed shoe either way you go as it will look boxy and not elegant. Patent leather used to be a staple for tuxedos, but not anymore. Now its a 50/50 split with out clients wearing leather and patent leather with their tuxedo.

We hope we simplified some of the styling decisions you will be making while suiting up for your wedding day!